sábado, 25 de agosto de 2007

Don't Damn Me!!!

Ya que estamos en esto de poner música en el blog pues hay les va un megarolononón de Guns n' Roses... sale pues... dirfrútenla...

Don't damn me
When I speak a piece of my mind
'Cause silence isn't golden
When I'm holding it inside
'Cause I've been where I have been
An I've seen what I have seen
I put the pen to the paper
'Cause it's all a part of me

Be it a song or casual conversation
To hold my tongue speaks
Of quiet reservations
Your words once heard
They can place you in a faction
My words may disturb
But at least there's a reaction

Sometimes I wanna kill
Sometimes I wanna die
Sometimes I wanna destroy
Sometimes I wanna cry
Sometimes I could get even
Sometimes I could give up
Sometimes I could give
Sometimes I never give a fuck

It's only for a while
I hope you understand
I never wanted this to happen
Didn't want to be a man
So I hid inside my world
I took what I could find
I cried when I was lonely
I fell down when I was blind

But don't damn me
When I speak a piece of my mind
'Cause silence isn't golden
When I'm holding it inside
'Cause I've been where I have been
An I've seen what I have seen
I put the pen to the paper
'Cause it's all a part of me

How can I ever satisfy you
An how can I ever make you see
That deep inside we're all somebody
An it don't matter who you wanna be
But now I gotta smile
I hope you comprehend
For this man can say it happened
'Cause this child has been
So I stepped into your world
I kicked you in the mind
An I'm the only witness
To the nature of my crime

But look at what we've done
To the innocent and young
Whoa listen to who's talking
'Cause we're not the only ones
The trash collected by the eyes
And dumped into the brain
Said it tears into our
conscious thoughts
You tell me who's to blame

I know you don't wanna hear me cryin'
An I know you don't wanna hear me deny
That your satisfaction lies in your ILLUSIONS
But your delusions are yours and not mine
We take for granted we know the whole story
We judge a book by its cover
And read what we want
Between selected lines

Don't hail me
An don't idolize the ink
Or I've failed in my intentions
Can you find the missing link
Your only validation is living your own life

Vicarious existence is a fucking waste of time
So I send this song to the offended
I said what I meant and I've never pretended
As so many others do intending just to please
If I damned your point of view
Could you turn the other cheek

But don't damn me
When I speak a piece of my mind
'Cause silence isn't golden
When I'm holding it inside
'Cause I've been where I have been
An I've seen what I have seen
I put the pen to the paper
'Cause it's all a part of me
Don't damn me
I said don't damn me
I said don't hail me
Don't damn me

3 comentarios:

Lidia dijo...

Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold...
Hablar es plata, el silencio es oro.
Eso aprendí mi primera clase de alemán cuando me negué a decir algo sobre mí. REsulté ser sabia, ya que los sabios son calladitos... "En boca cerrada no entran moscas".
YA sabes que me gusta ser calladita y sentarme en un rincón y escuchar todo lo que los demás tengan que decir.

POr cierto, enséñame a ponerle música a mi blog, no sé como subir las canciones!!!!


Anónimo dijo...

una de mis favoritas de guns sin duda, saludos primo!!!

jf.yedraAaviña dijo...

Lidita: creo que a tí no se aplica eso de “calladita te ves más bonita”... me gusta escucharte y leerte... y ya ves! tu blog ya tiene música... y sin ayuda... jeje...

Montse: sin duda alguna es de las mejores!! igualmente saludos!!